
COVID 19 – Jonas Salk, Typewriter and Kanishka  Aircraft
“ Either write things worth Reading or Do things worth the writing “  - Benjamin Franklin
Memory is short-lived. People tend to talk issues and forget things, otherwise it is very difficult to keep everything in memory.  Nowadays whole world is in the grip of Covid -19 (Corona virus), we are living in the fear, Corona has invaded our life, our thoughts, and everywhere we are looking for the invisible. Our talks , thinking , over phone calls , social media, whatapp messages, twitters, Newspaper coverage, News Channels, Scientific Journals and Scientific forums – it is everywhere. And above all misinformation about Corona. Added to this, we are busy and worried with Indian- Chinese   conflict.In these situations, we have forgotten the importance of 23 rd. Human History.
* June 23rd happens to be the Death Anniversary of Jonas Edward Salk better known as Jonas Salk, American Virologist, who developed first Polio Vaccine and saved countless human lives. He earned place in Medical History, who will be remembered as a person who stopped Polio. Polio causes flu like symptoms to paralysis in infants, which was sometimes fatal. In my childhood I have seen many children got paralysed due to Paralysis and suffered / suffering throughout their life time. Thanks to Indian Government that we don’t hear about Polio effecting kids nowadays, as Polio drops are administered to children below 5 years of age twice a year on National Immunization day. Due to efforts of one and everyone connected, WHO has declared India as a Polio Free Country in 2014.  
Jonas Salk wrote several books and to mention few – Man unfolding (1972 ) and The survival of the Wisest (1973 ) .

              Source : Google Images
“I have had dreams and I have had nightmares, but I have conquered my nightmares because of my dreams “- Jonas Salk.
Let all of us salute Jonas Salk for saving Children from the deadliest disease Polio to wipe off the disease from the World. 
* Another important thing which happened on this day way back in 1968 , when Patent was sanctioned to TYPEWRITER to Christopher Lathan Sholas and his 3 colleagues. Typewriter was the mechanical instrument which was seen in all the Offices and it was indispensable writing item other than handwritten text. Of course Typewriters are not seen anywhere even in offices nowadays, as Computers have overtaken them. Many of the Government servants and everyone fondly remember the Typewriter machine and the sound it used to make when keyboards were run. There were institutes which used to give training of Typing and shorthand which has been replaced by Computers……

* 23 rd. June will be also remembered as the day… when deadliest aircraft terror attack of Boeing 747 named as Kanishka took place killing all 329 people on the board  . Kanishka ( operating on the Montreal–London–Delhi route )  disintegrated in midair enroute from Montreal to London, at an altitude of 31,000 feet (9,400 m) over the Atlantic Ocean, due to  explosion from a bomb. No one remembers the loss of precious lives except near and dear of those who died.
Let all Pray and wish that Humankind will be free of Corona virus , no wars between countries and terrorists attacks, so that Humans live peacefully , healthy and happily .


  1. Nice way of putting things into perspective.

  2. Interesting how negative things snatch the limelight; had no idea 23rd June was notable for such things, I guess it goes to show, you'll find what your looking for -whether it's Corona histeria or impressive inventions ;)

    Informative post for sure.

    1. Thanks.I just want to bring the importance of the Day and nothing more


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