


Today is 21 st June and it coincides with Sunday , Longest Day of the Year , International Yoga day and it also happens to be Solar Eclipse Day. As a part of daily routine , I was having a glance through newspapers and I found one interesting item which caught my item titled THE SUN COULD HELP YOU FIGHT COVID  in Times of India dated  21.6.2020. 
Sun ( Hindus also refer it as Surya ) is considered by Hindus as Living god. Sun is the creator of life. Human beings cannot think of even a single day without Sun. Every Organism on this planet is dependent on Sun directly or indirectly . Sun is abundant , not to talk of Tropics. Irony is that , still we are Vitamin D deficient. Deficiency of vitamin D is more all over the world. Scientists have linked Vit-D deficiency vis-a-vis with weak immune response , hence more susceptibility to Covid-19.Vit-D deficiency leads to respiratory problems.In the years 2009/2010, H1N1 pandemic was very high in non-white ethnicity with high mortality rate in England. 
Misconception among Indians is that they will not suffer due to Vit-D deficiency , as they feel that Sunshine is abundant , but the problem with black people and others who have darker skin that they have more of Melanin thus decresing the ability to produce Vit-D. 
In the newsitem they have mentioned various ways to overcome Vit-D deficiency like exposing to Sun for 5-30 minutes, having supplement , etc., 
To know more , pleaase read the newsitem 


  1. thank you for thought-provoking articles about the sun. 🌞

    1. Thanks S.K.K. Reddy . Yours is the first response

  2. A gentle but clear reminder to all of us who overlook myriad benefits of Sun

    1. Yes. Wrote blog to just remind people ...

  3. Good one to bring to the attention of people who take many things for granted and forget the importance of Nature ...

  4. Firstly, so cute and considerate to share the article snippet! Thank you!

    I like the gradual narrative easing the reader into the contents...


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